Quickly removes food stains, calculus deposits, tarter build-up andtobacco related stains from appliances such as dentures, partials, orremovable orthodontics.NO MIXING NECESSARY.Strong acid solution. Handle with care. Thoroughly rinse allitems with tap water after removal from Tarter & Stain Solution.To prevent irritation of gingival tissue, place prosthetic in asolution of 1 tsp baking soda to 8 oz water for 30-60 seconds.
Directions:1. Place items in glass beaker, cover items with full strength solution.Caution: 1-2 minutes maximum cleaning time on all instruments.Instruments will discolor if left in solution longer than recommended.Bridges, dentures, gold casting, orthodontic appliances (5-10 minutes)Acrylic splints, crowns (5 min).2. Put glass beaker in tank containing Optimize General PurposeCleaning Solution for sound conduction and to neutralize anyTarter & Stain Liquid that might accidentally be spilled inside.
1 Gallon Bottle